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Signing Naturally Homework Answersl UPDATED: A Complete Guide for Online Learners

Signing Naturally Homework Answers UPDATED

Do you want to learn sign language but struggle with your homework assignments? Do you wish you had a reliable source of answers to check your progress and correct your mistakes? If so, you are not alone. Many students who take online courses on sign language face the same challenges and look for solutions. In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about Signing Naturally homework answers. We will explain what Signing Naturally is, why you need homework answers, how to find them, and how to use them effectively. By the end of this article, you will have a clear idea of how to ace your sign language homework and improve your skills.

Signing Naturally Homework Answersl UPDATED

What is Signing Naturally?

Signing Naturally is a popular curriculum for teaching and learning American Sign Language (ASL). It was developed by Ella Mae Lentz, Ken Mikos, and Cheri Smith in 1988 and has been revised and updated several times since then. Signing Naturally is based on the natural approach to language learning, which emphasizes communication and interaction over grammar and rules. Signing Naturally uses authentic materials, such as videos, stories, dialogues, and activities, to expose students to real-life situations and contexts. Signing Naturally also incorporates aspects of Deaf culture and history into its lessons, to help students understand and appreciate the diversity and richness of the Deaf community.

The benefits of learning sign language

Learning sign language can have many benefits for both hearing and Deaf people. Some of the benefits are:

  • It can improve your communication skills and expand your social network. You can communicate with Deaf people and other sign language users from different backgrounds and cultures.

  • It can enhance your cognitive abilities and brain health. Studies have shown that learning sign language can boost your memory, attention, creativity, problem-solving, and multitasking skills. It can also delay the onset of dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

  • It can increase your career opportunities and employability. You can work in fields such as education, health care, social work, entertainment, tourism, and more. You can also become a sign language interpreter or teacher.

  • It can enrich your personal and professional development. You can learn new things, explore new perspectives, gain new insights, and discover new passions.

The features of Signing Naturally curriculum

Signing Naturally curriculum has several features that make it an effective and enjoyable way to learn sign language. Some of the features are:

  • It uses a functional-notional approach to teach sign language. This means that it focuses on the functions (such as introducing yourself, asking for directions, making requests, etc.) and notions (such as time, location, quantity, etc.) that are relevant and useful for everyday communication.

  • It uses a spiral curriculum design to introduce and review vocabulary and grammar. This means that it builds on previous knowledge and introduces new concepts gradually and systematically.

  • It uses a student-centered methodology to engage students in active learning. This means that it encourages students to participate in interactive activities, such as role-plays, games, discussions, etc., that simulate real-life scenarios.

  • It uses a holistic assessment system to evaluate students' progress and performance. This means that it assesses students' sign language skills in terms of fluency, accuracy, comprehension, and expression, rather than just testing their knowledge of isolated facts.

Why do you need Signing Naturally homework answers?

Signing Naturally homework answers are the solutions to the exercises and assignments that are given in the Signing Naturally curriculum. They are usually provided by the instructors or the publishers of the curriculum. However, if you are taking an online course or self-studying sign language, you may not have access to these answers. In that case, you may need to look for alternative sources of answers to help you with your homework. Here are some reasons why you may need Signing Naturally homework answers:

The challenges of learning sign language online

Learning sign language online can be challenging for several reasons. Some of the challenges are:

  • Lack of feedback and guidance. You may not have a qualified instructor or a native signer to give you feedback and guidance on your sign language skills. You may not know if you are signing correctly or making mistakes.

  • Lack of interaction and practice. You may not have enough opportunities to interact and practice with other sign language users. You may not be able to develop your conversational skills and confidence.

  • Lack of motivation and discipline. You may not have a clear goal or a structured plan to follow when learning sign language online. You may lose interest or get distracted easily.

The advantages of having homework answers

Having homework answers can help you overcome some of the challenges of learning sign language online. Some of the advantages are:

  • They can help you check your understanding and comprehension of the lessons. You can compare your answers with the correct ones and see if you have grasped the main points and details.

  • They can help you correct your errors and improve your accuracy. You can identify your mistakes and learn from them. You can also learn new vocabulary and grammar that you may have missed or forgotten.

  • They can help you reinforce your learning and retention of the material. You can review your answers and repeat the exercises until you master them. You can also use them as a reference or a reminder when you need them.

How to find Signing Naturally homework answers?

There are different ways to find Signing Naturally homework answers, depending on your needs and preferences. Here are some of the most common ways:

The official website of Signing Naturally

The official website of Signing Naturally is It is the website of DawnSignPress, the publisher of the Signing Naturally curriculum. On this website, you can find information about the curriculum, such as its features, levels, contents, authors, etc. You can also order the textbooks, workbooks, DVDs, and other materials that are part of the curriculum. However, the website does not provide homework answers for free. You need to purchase a subscription or a license to access the online resources, such as videos, quizzes, tests, etc., that include the homework answers.

The online platforms that offer homework answers

There are some online platforms that offer homework answers for various subjects and courses, including sign language. Some examples are Chegg, Course Hero,, etc. On these platforms, you can find homework answers that are uploaded by other students, instructors, or experts. You can also ask questions and get answers from other users or tutors. However, these platforms may not have all the homework answers for Signing Naturally curriculum. They may also have inaccurate or outdated answers that may confuse or mislead you. Moreover, these platforms are not free either. You need to pay a fee or a subscription to access their services.

The tips and tricks to check your answers

If you cannot find or afford the official or online sources of homework answers, you can still use some tips and tricks to check your own answers. Some of them are:

  • Use a dictionary or a glossary to look up unfamiliar words or signs. You can use online dictionaries, such as, or offline dictionaries, such as The American Sign Language Handshape Dictionary.

How to use Signing Naturally homework answers effectively?

Having Signing Naturally homework answers is not enough to guarantee your success in learning sign language. You also need to know how to use them effectively. Here are some tips and advice on how to use Signing Naturally homework answers in a smart and responsible way:

The dos and don'ts of using homework answers

When using homework answers, you should follow some dos and don'ts to avoid cheating, plagiarism, or dependency. Some of them are:

  • Do use homework answers as a tool to check and improve your work, not as a shortcut to avoid or copy it.

  • Do use homework answers as a source of feedback and guidance, not as a substitute for instruction or practice.

  • Do use homework answers as a way to reinforce and review your learning, not as a replacement for it.

  • Don't use homework answers without understanding the concepts and processes behind them.

  • Don't use homework answers without citing the sources or giving credit to the authors.

  • Don't use homework answers without verifying their accuracy and reliability.

The best practices to improve your sign language skills

When using homework answers, you should also follow some best practices to enhance your sign language skills and achieve your learning goals. Some of them are:

  • Practice regularly and consistently. You should practice sign language every day, even if it is for a few minutes. You should also review the previous lessons and exercises before moving on to the new ones.

  • Practice with variety and diversity. You should practice sign language in different modes, such as receptive (watching) and expressive (signing), and in different contexts, such as formal (academic) and informal (social). You should also expose yourself to different signers, such as native, fluent, or beginner, and different dialects, such as regional or international.

  • Practice with feedback and reflection. You should seek feedback from others, such as instructors, tutors, peers, or online users, on your sign language skills. You should also reflect on your own performance and progress, such as by keeping a journal, recording a video, or taking a test.

The resources and tools to supplement your learning

When using homework answers, you should also use other resources and tools to supplement your learning and expand your knowledge. Some of them are:

  • Books and magazines. You can read books and magazines that are related to sign language, such as The American Sign Language Phrase Book, Signing Illustrated, or Deaf Life.

  • Movies and shows. You can watch movies and shows that feature sign language, such as A Quiet Place, Switched at Birth, or The Silent Child.

  • Websites and apps. You can visit websites and apps that offer sign language lessons, games, quizzes, etc., such as,, or

  • Communities and events. You can join communities and events that involve sign language, such as Deaf clubs, Deaf festivals, or Deaf chats.


In conclusion, Signing Naturally homework answers are useful resources that can help you learn sign language online. However, you need to know what they are, why you need them, how to find them, and how to use them effectively. By following the tips and advice in this article, you can make the most of Signing Naturally homework answers and improve your sign language skills. Remember that learning sign language is not only about completing homework assignments but also about enjoying the process and discovering the beauty of the language and the culture.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some frequently asked questions about Signing Naturally homework answers:

What is the difference between Signing Naturally Units 1-6 and Units 7-12?

  • Signing Naturally Units 1-6 and Units 7-12 are two levels of the Signing Naturally curriculum. Units 1-6 cover the basic vocabulary and grammar of sign language, such as the alphabet, numbers, colors, family, etc. Units 7-12 cover the intermediate vocabulary and grammar of sign language, such as classifiers, spatial relations, directions, etc.

Where can I buy Signing Naturally textbooks and workbooks?

  • You can buy Signing Naturally textbooks and workbooks from the official website of Signing Naturally,, or from other online retailers, such as Amazon, eBay, etc.

How can I access Signing Naturally online resources?

  • You can access Signing Naturally online resources by purchasing a subscription or a license from the official website of Signing Naturally, You will need to create an account and enter a code that is provided with your textbook or workbook.

How can I find a sign language tutor or partner online?

  • You can find a sign language tutor or partner online by using platforms such as Preply, iTalki, Verbling, etc. You can also use social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, etc., to connect with other sign language users.

How can I learn more about Deaf culture and history?

  • You can learn more about Deaf culture and history by reading books such as A Journey into the Deaf-World, Deaf in America: Voices from a Culture, or The History of American Sign Language. You can also watch documentaries such as Through Deaf Eyes, See What I'm Saying, or Deaf Jam.



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