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Download Dare To Fail Pdf For Free And Learn From The Failures Of Others

Dare To Fail In Pdf Free Download Pdf

Have you ever felt discouraged by your failures? Have you ever wondered what it takes to succeed in life? Have you ever wanted to learn from someone who has faced many challenges and overcome them?

Dare To Fail In Pdf Free Download Pdf


If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you should read Dare To Fail, a book by Billi P.S. Lim that will inspire you to embrace failure as a stepping stone to success.

In this article, you will learn what Dare To Fail is about, why you should read it, how you can download it in pdf format for free, and what you can learn from it.

By the end of this article, you will have a new perspective on failure and success, and you will be ready to take action on your dreams.

So let's get started!

What is Dare To Fail?

Dare To Fail is a book by Billi P.S. Lim, a Malaysian entrepreneur who has experienced many failures in his personal and professional life.

The book was first published in 1996 and has since become an international bestseller, selling over 2 million copies in 14 languages.

The book is a self-help and inspirational book that touches on the normally taboo subject of failure. It challenges the conventional wisdom that failure is something to be avoided and feared, and instead shows how failure can be a positive and powerful force in our lives.

The book is based on the author's own personal background of trials and tribulations, as well as the stories of many successful people who have failed before they succeeded.

The book's main message is that success is not a destination, but a journey. And to reach our destination, we need both success and failure. Failure is not the opposite of success, but a part of it.

Why should you read Dare To Fail?

There are many reasons why you should read Dare To Fail, but here are some of the most important ones:

  • You will learn from the failures of others. The book is full of examples and anecdotes of people who have faced failures and overcome them, such as Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Edison, Walt Disney, Oprah Winfrey, J.K. Rowling, Steve Jobs, and many more. You will discover how they used their failures as lessons, motivators, catalysts and feedback mechanisms to achieve their goals.

  • You will develop persistence and resilience. The book will teach you how to develop persistence and determination in the face of challenges and setbacks. You will learn how to keep going when things get tough, how to bounce back from failures, and how to turn obstacles into opportunities.

  • You will find your purpose and passion. The book will help you find your purpose and passion in life, and how to align your goals with your values. You will learn how to discover what you love to do, what you are good at, and what the world needs from you.

  • You will change your attitude towards failure. The book will change your attitude towards failure and life in general. You will learn how to choose a positive attitude over a negative one, how to avoid negative emotions and thoughts, and how to embrace failure as a friend rather than an enemy.

  • You will be inspired to take action. The book will inspire you to take action on your dreams and aspirations. You will learn how to set realistic and achievable goals, how to plan and execute your strategies, how to measure your progress and results, and how to celebrate your successes.

How to download Dare To Fail in pdf for free?

If you are interested in reading Dare To Fail, you might be wondering how you can download it in pdf format for free.

Well, there are several ways to do that, but here is one of the easiest and fastest methods:

  • Go to PDF Drive, a free online library that offers millions of books in pdf format for free.

  • Type "Dare To Fail" in the search box and hit enter.

  • You will see several results for the book, but choose the one that has the cover image of the book and says "Dare To Fail by Billi P.S. Lim".

  • Click on the green "Download" button below the cover image.

  • You will be redirected to another page where you can choose the file size and quality of the pdf file. Choose the one that suits your needs and click on "Download PDF".

  • You will be asked to verify that you are not a robot by completing a captcha. Follow the instructions and click on "Verify".

  • Your download will start automatically. Save the file to your device or open it with your preferred pdf reader.

  • Enjoy reading Dare To Fail!

Here are some screenshots of the process:

What can you learn from Dare To Fail?

Dare To Fail is a book that can teach you many valuable lessons and insights about failure and success.

The book is divided into nine chapters, each focusing on a different aspect or theme related to failure.

Here is a summary of each chapter and what you can learn from it:

Chapter 1: The Meaning of Success and Failure

In this chapter, the author defines success and failure as follows:

Success is a day-to-day progressive journey towards a predetermined worthwhile goal.

Failure is a temporary detour or delay in reaching that goal.

The author argues that we need both success and failure to reach our destination, and that failure is not the opposite of success, but a part of it.

He also explains that success and failure are relative and subjective terms, and that we should not compare ourselves with others, but with our own potential and standards.

Some of the key points from this chapter are:

  • We should have a clear vision of what we want to achieve in life, and set realistic and measurable goals to pursue it.

  • We should enjoy the journey of success, not just the destination, and celebrate every milestone and achievement along the way.

  • We should view failure as a feedback mechanism, not as a final verdict, and learn from our mistakes and improve ourselves.

  • We should not be afraid of failure, but embrace it as a challenge and an opportunity to grow and innovate.

  • We should not let failure define us, but use it as a motivation and a catalyst to achieve greater success.

Chapter 2: The Value of Failure

In this chapter, the author explores the value of failure and how it can benefit us in various ways.

He argues that failure can be a valuable teacher, a motivator, a catalyst and a feedback mechanism.

He also shares some examples and anecdotes of people who have used their failures as lessons, motivators, catalysts and feedback mechanisms to achieve their goals.

Some of the key points from this chapter are:

  • We should learn from the failures of others, as well as our own, and avoid repeating the same mistakes.

  • We should use failure as a motivator to work harder, smarter and better, and to overcome our fears and doubts.

  • We should use failure as a catalyst to change our strategies, methods and approaches, and to explore new possibilities and opportunities.

  • We should use failure as a feedback mechanism to evaluate our performance, results and outcomes, and to identify our strengths and weaknesses.

Chapter 3: The Art of Facing Failure

In this chapter, the author discusses how to face failure with courage, confidence, optimism and humility.

He argues that facing failure is an art that can be learned and mastered, and that it requires certain skills and attitudes.

He also provides some tips and techniques on how to face failure effectively and constructively.

Some of the key points from this chapter are:

  • We should face failure with courage, not with fear or denial, and accept it as a reality and a fact of life.

  • We should face failure with confidence, not with doubt or insecurity, and believe in ourselves and our abilities.

  • We should face failure with optimism, not with pessimism or cynicism, and look at the bright side and the silver lining of every situation.

  • We should face failure with humility, not with arrogance or pride, and admit our mistakes and shortcomings without blaming others or making excuses.

Chapter 4: The Power of Persistence

In this chapter, the author talks about how to develop persistence and determination in the face of challenges and setbacks.

He argues that persistence is one of the most important factors for success, and that it can overcome any obstacle or difficulty.

He also shares some examples and anecdotes of people who have demonstrated persistence and determination in their pursuits.

Some of the key points from this chapter are:

  • We should develop persistence by having a strong desire, a clear vision, a definite plan, a positive attitude and a burning passion for our goals.

  • We should develop persistence by having a strong faith, a firm belief, a high hope, a deep trust and a divine guidance for our goals.

  • We should develop persistence by having a strong willpower, a disciplined action, a consistent effort, a relentless focus and a flexible adaptation for our goals.

  • We should develop persistence by having a strong support, a loyal team, a helpful mentor, a constructive feedback and a grateful attitude for our goals.

Chapter 5: The Secret of Deviation

In this chapter, the author reveals the secret of deviation and how it can lead to progress and growth.

He argues that deviation is the essence of innovation and creativity, and that it can break the barriers of convention and tradition.

He also shares some examples and anecdotes of people who have deviated from the norm and created something new and valuable.

Some of the key points from this chapter are:

  • We should deviate from the norm by challenging the status quo, questioning the assumptions, breaking the rules and changing the paradigms.

  • We should deviate from the norm by exploring the unknown, experimenting the new, discovering the hidden and creating the original.

  • We should deviate from the norm by learning from other fields, cultures, disciplines and perspectives, and integrating them into our own.

  • We should deviate from the norm by being open-minded, curious, adventurous and courageous, and taking calculated risks and smart failures.

Chapter 6: The Law of Cause and Effect

In this chapter, the author explains the law of cause and effect and how it applies to our actions and outcomes.

He argues that the law of cause and effect is a universal law that governs everything in life, and that we are responsible for our failures and successes.

He also provides some tips and techniques on how to apply the law of cause and effect to our goals.

Some of the key points from this chapter are:

  • We should understand the law of cause and effect by recognizing that every action has a consequence, every effect has a cause, and every result has a reason.

  • We should apply the law of cause and effect by choosing our actions wisely, anticipating their consequences, and accepting their results.

  • We should apply the law of cause and effect by taking responsibility for our actions, not blaming others or circumstances, and learning from our results.

  • We should apply the law of cause and effect by changing our actions if we are not satisfied with their results, not repeating the same mistakes, and improving our results.

Chapter 7: The Choice of Attitude

In this chapter, the author discusses how to choose a positive attitude towards failure and life in general.

He argues that attitude is everything, and that it can make or break our success.

He also provides some tips and techniques on how to develop a positive attitude.

Some of the key points from this chapter are:

  • We should choose a positive attitude by being grateful for what we have, not complaining about what we don't have, and appreciating what we can have.

  • We should choose a positive attitude by being optimistic about what we can do, not pessimistic about what we can't do, and realistic about what we should do.

  • We should choose a positive attitude by being confident in ourselves, not doubtful in ourselves, and humble in ourselves.

  • We should choose a positive attitude by being happy for others, not jealous of others, and supportive of others.

Chapter 8: The Vision of Purpose

In this chapter, the author talks about how to find our purpose and passion in life.

He argues that purpose is the reason why we exist, and passion is the fuel that drives us to fulfill our purpose.

He also shares some examples and anecdotes of people who have found their purpose and passion in life.

Some of the key points from this chapter are:

  • We should find our purpose by asking ourselves what we love to do, what we are good at doing, what the world needs from us, and what we can get paid for doing.

  • We should find our purpose by listening to our intuition, following our heart, trusting our gut, and obeying our soul.

and standards.

  • We should find our purpose by expressing it through our actions, words, thoughts, feelings and emotions.

  • We should find our passion by doing what we love, loving what we do, and doing it with love.

  • We should find our passion by being enthusiastic, energetic, excited and eager about what we do.

  • We should find our passion by being creative, innovative, original and unique in what we do.

  • We should find our passion by being committed, dedicated, loyal and faithful to what we do.

Chapter 9: The Rainbow After The Storm

In this chapter, the author talks about how to celebrate our successes after overcoming our failures.

He argues that success is not a destination, but a journey. And to reach our destination, we need both success and failure. Failure is not the opposite of success, but a part of it.

He also shares some examples and anecdotes of people who have celebrated their successes after overcoming their failures.

Some of the key points from this chapter are:

  • We should celebrate our successes by acknowledging our achievements, rewarding ourselves, sharing our stories and inspiring others.

  • We should celebrate our successes by being grateful for our opportunities, challenges, failures and lessons.

  • We should celebrate our successes by being humble for our strengths, talents, skills and abilities.

  • We should celebrate our successes by being generous for our resources, wealth, knowledge and wisdom.


In conclusion, Dare To Fail is a book that will inspire you to embrace failure as a stepping stone to success.

The book will teach you how to define success and failure, how to value failure, how to face failure, how to persist through failure, how to deviate from failure, how to apply the law of cause and effect to failure, how to choose a positive attitude towards failure, how to find your purpose and passion through failure, and how to celebrate your success after failure.

The book will also provide you with many examples and anecdotes of people who have failed before they succeeded, and how they used their failures as lessons, motivators, catalysts and feedback mechanisms to achieve their goals.

If you want to read Dare To Fail, you can download it in pdf format for free by following the steps outlined in this article.

By reading Dare To Fail, you will have a new perspective on failure and success, and you will be ready to take action on your dreams.

So what are you waiting for? Download Dare To Fail today and dare to fail your way to success!


Here are some frequently asked questions about Dare To Fail or the topic of failure and success:

  • Who is the author of Dare To Fail?

The author of Dare To Fail is Billi P.S. Lim, a Malaysian entrepreneur who has experienced many failures in his personal and professional life. He is also a motivational speaker and a trainer who has inspired millions of people with his book and his message.

  • What is the genre of Dare To Fail?

The genre of Dare To Fail is self-help and inspirational. The book touches on the normally taboo subject of failure and shows how failure can be a positive and powerful force in our lives. The book also provides practical tips and techniques on how to deal with failure and achieve success.

  • How many pages is Dare To Fail?

The original edition of Dare To Fail has 303 pages. The latest edition has 359 pages. The pdf version of the book may vary in page numbers depending on the file size and quality.

  • How many languages is Dare To Fail available in?

, Korean, Japanese, Hindi, Tamil, Arabic and Russian.

  • Where can I buy Dare To Fail?

You can buy Dare To Fail from various online platforms such as Amazon, eBay, Book Depository, etc. You can also find it in some bookstores and libraries. However, if you want to download it in pdf format for free, you can follow the steps outlined in this article.



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